[kj] Fall of Because - live version

Dennis Cunningham gathering@misera.net
Thu, 29 May 2003 05:59:18 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 29 May 2003, pr 001 wrote:
> >
> >   todd, you've a good ear for these things - is it raven or youth on bass?
> >i
> >   reckon it's youth. i'd also wager it was recorded somewhere in the uk.

I hope not too late to chime in on this topic, but the song in question
is the second song on the a side of the let's all go(to the fire dances)

Monitary concerns aside(why would they release a song with youth on bass
when they parted on less than good terms). My drunken ears hears the
diffrence in the bass... I'll have to compare the single to Ha live(the
only other recording of Raven playing youth's bass lines on vinyl?).

Spinning these old KJ records only reminds me of Big Paul's critical
role in the Joke.  If we could only know what really happened...
or atleast from the non jaz point of view.