[kj] Lesbolickout - a true story

Mark Kolmar gathering@misera.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:30:38 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)

I remember the first time I had sex education in school in 5th grade.  
Until 4th grade I went to Catholic school and didn't know much from the
Chicago streets either.  Before 5th grade my family moved to the suburbs.  
I reckon the other 5th graders were at least as clueless as me.  The
teachers did their presentation with very clinical, vauge explanations.  
Partly out of cluelessness and partly out of gutsiness, I kept asking
uncomfotable questions.  Like, "So when a couple goes to the hospital to
do this, what do they have to do?"  And asking about 5 times, "Sorry,
could you tell us what masturbation is again?"  The other boys got an
uncomfortable kick out of this too, watching the teachers squirm.  "Psst
...Ask him again, Mark".  The teachers would only answer "manipulation of
the sex organs".  And I was thinking, I'm not sure exactly what they're
getting at with all this vague talk, but I'm thinking it must be pretty
sweet.  (Shades of _South Park_ there...)


On Wed, 28 May 2003, Rob Moss wrote:

> Once, whilst in a religious studies class at school, the class was discussing tolerance. The subject of homosexuality came up.
> My brother (at the age of 14) just referred to homosexuals as queers, poofs etc. (coming to think of it, he still does).
> Anyway, the teacher got very upset and said to him
> "what would you do then Jon, if you found your wife or girlfriend was actually a lesbian?".
> Jon replied " I'd take pictures Miss".
> A great answer for a 14 year old. Got him banned from the class for two weeks!
> --- "Ade" <ade@the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
> >NEVER!!! They have my UTMOST respect!
> >
> >	-----Original Message----- 
> >	From: gathering-admin@misera.net on behalf of Miss Straponowski 
> >	Sent: Wed 28/05/2003 11:58 
> >	To: Gathering 
> >	Cc: 
> >	Subject: [kj] Lesbolickout
> >	
> >	
> >	Now we're not going to start laughing at Lesbians are we?