[kj] interview

Jester gathering@misera.net
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:39:20 -0500

On 06/27/2003 5:27 AM, "pr 001" <stay_one_jump_ahead@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> From: Jester <webmaster@killing-joke.com>
>> Is Jaz no longer intelligent enough to say what he actually means? Far be
>> it
>> from us to put words in his mouth....he is, after all, the purported
>> genius.
>> I think if the man said "staged" then that is exactly the direction he
>> meant
>> to go in.
> well said, joe. jaz knew exactly what he was doing. it's bad enough him
> re-writing history without us twisting what he says on top of it!!!


Paul and I are going to start frightening people with all the times we have
agreed in the past few weeks....

Jester...peering out the window, looking for the four horsemen of the