[kj] Another bloody review - mine!

bluce ree gathering@misera.net
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 12:38:23 +0100 (BST)

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This album doesn't seem to have any further depths to it.  I've given it lots of listens and it's good definately but I'm not finding the weaker tracks growing on me and during tracks like 'Total Invasion' I find my self hankering for my old Revelations CD.  If anything, this album lacks 'groove' for want of a better word.  That goes back to my previous mail about them not playing/writing/recording together.
Loose Cannon happened to be on as I was channel hopping thru the music channels and I found myself turning it off.  That would never have happened with any of their other videos.


Phillipps Marc <Marc.Phillipps@enfield.nhs.uk> wrote:
>I'm not going as far as selling my Camden ticket though. Perhaps tomorrow 
>I'll love the album.

Give it time . . . allow it to be absorbed . . 

Honest, it's a grower ;¬)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: nicholas fitzpatrick [SMTP:gasw30@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:11 PM
> To: gathering@misera.net
> Subject: [kj] Another bloody review - mine!
> Patriots,
> I got the album yesterday and have only listened to it once (which kind of
> says it all) but here are my immediate, not well thought out thoughts.
> Notwithstanding the fact that I love Killing Joke forever, this album is a
> two or three stars out of five effort. It's 'Pretty Good', but that's all.
> I first began to have my doubts about this album when I read that the
> drums 
> were being recorded in California and f-ing emailed to a studio somewhere 
> else in the world to be mixed. I thought that sounded utterly sh-t.
> Pessimists pictured an internet society where people would forsake 
> physically interaction with each other to instead 'hide' behind computers
> - 
> well, it seems Killing Joke have just put together an album without
> actually 
> meeting. And this from a lead singer that apparently has no time for such 
> means of communication!
> Consequently I totally agree with the post here yesterday that said KJ 
> should get a full time drummer for the next album and they should all 
> preferably eat, drink, think and sh-t together throughout the entire
> process 
> of recording it.
> I've no idea if the album would have been better if put together by more 
> traditional rock n roll processes of course, but it's not just about the 
> music,it's about the band and how they do what they do.
> The other thing I don't like about the album is that basically, once
> again, 
> it's heavy metal. Full respect and all, but I'm just not a metaler. I 
> thought Extremities was crap and Pandemonium was ok as far as some form of
> curious techno-metal goes.
> I knew I wouldn't really like the new album after the first three bars of 
> the opening song (D&RS). Chug-chug-chug-chug.... The good thing about D&RS
> is 
> Jaz bellowing out verses that sound like black magic spells, because I
> like 
> it when he's like that. But whereas on Fire Dances and BTATS it's clever, 
> here the whole song is just like some poor relation of Iron Maiden.
> Blood on Your Hands and Seeing Red are the ones that stood out, but 
> generally if I closed my eyes and you told me I was listening to
> absolutely 
> any old West Coast/Seatle/Greenwich Village rock band on MTv, I'd believe 
> you. Frankly, Blur's sound has more individuality.
> My over-riding thought is that Jaz Coleman is now infinitely more 
> interesting as an individual than Killing Joke are.
> I'm not going as far as selling my Camden ticket though. Perhaps tomorrow 
> I'll love the album.
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<DIV>This album doesn't seem to have any further depths to it.&nbsp; I've given it lots of listens and it's good definately but I'm not finding the weaker tracks growing on me and during tracks like 'Total Invasion' I find my self hankering for my old Revelations CD.&nbsp; If anything, this album lacks 'groove' for want of a better word.&nbsp; That goes back to my previous mail about them not playing/writing/recording together.</DIV>
<DIV>Loose Cannon happened to be on as I was channel hopping thru the music channels and I found myself turning it off.&nbsp; That would never have happened with any of their other videos.<BR></DIV>
<DIV><BR><B><I>Phillipps Marc &lt;Marc.Phillipps@enfield.nhs.uk&gt;</I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; WIDTH: 100%">&gt;I'm not going as far as selling my Camden ticket though. Perhaps tomorrow <BR>&gt;I'll love the album.<BR><BR>Give it time . . . allow it to be absorbed . . <BR><BR>Honest, it's a grower ;¬)<BR><BR>Marc. <BR><BR><BR>&gt; -----Original Message-----<BR>&gt; From: nicholas fitzpatrick [SMTP:gasw30@hotmail.com]<BR>&gt; Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 12:11 PM<BR>&gt; To: gathering@misera.net<BR>&gt; Subject: [kj] Another bloody review - mine!<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Patriots,<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; I got the album yesterday and have only listened to it once (which kind of<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; says it all) but here are my immediate, not well thought out thoughts.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Notwithstanding the fact that I love Killing Joke forever, this album is a<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; two or three stars out of five effort. It's 'Pretty Good', but that's all.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; I first began to have my doubts about this
 album when I read that the<BR>&gt; drums <BR>&gt; were being recorded in California and f-ing emailed to a studio somewhere <BR>&gt; else in the world to be mixed. I thought that sounded utterly sh-t.<BR>&gt; Pessimists pictured an internet society where people would forsake <BR>&gt; physically interaction with each other to instead 'hide' behind computers<BR>&gt; - <BR>&gt; well, it seems Killing Joke have just put together an album without<BR>&gt; actually <BR>&gt; meeting. And this from a lead singer that apparently has no time for such <BR>&gt; means of communication!<BR>&gt; Consequently I totally agree with the post here yesterday that said KJ <BR>&gt; should get a full time drummer for the next album and they should all <BR>&gt; preferably eat, drink, think and sh-t together throughout the entire<BR>&gt; process <BR>&gt; of recording it.<BR>&gt; I've no idea if the album would have been better if put together by more <BR>&gt; traditional rock n roll processes of course, but
 it's not just about the <BR>&gt; music,it's about the band and how they do what they do.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; The other thing I don't like about the album is that basically, once<BR>&gt; again, <BR>&gt; it's heavy metal. Full respect and all, but I'm just not a metaler. I <BR>&gt; thought Extremities was crap and Pandemonium was ok as far as some form of<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; curious techno-metal goes.<BR>&gt; I knew I wouldn't really like the new album after the first three bars of <BR>&gt; the opening song (D&amp;RS). Chug-chug-chug-chug.... The good thing about D&amp;RS<BR>&gt; is <BR>&gt; Jaz bellowing out verses that sound like black magic spells, because I<BR>&gt; like <BR>&gt; it when he's like that. But whereas on Fire Dances and BTATS it's clever, <BR>&gt; here the whole song is just like some poor relation of Iron Maiden.<BR>&gt; Blood on Your Hands and Seeing Red are the ones that stood out, but <BR>&gt; generally if I closed my eyes and you told me I was listening to<BR>&gt;
 absolutely <BR>&gt; any old West Coast/Seatle/Greenwich Village rock band on MTv, I'd believe <BR>&gt; you. Frankly, Blur's sound has more individuality.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; My over-riding thought is that Jaz Coleman is now infinitely more <BR>&gt; interesting as an individual than Killing Joke are.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; I'm not going as far as selling my Camden ticket though. Perhaps tomorrow <BR>&gt; I'll love the album.<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; _________________________________________________________________<BR>&gt; Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you. <BR>&gt; http://www.msn.co.uk/internetaccess<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; _______________________________________________<BR>&gt; Gathering mailing list<BR>&gt; Gathering@misera.net<BR>&gt; http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>Gathering mailing list<BR>Gathering@misera.net<BR>http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering</BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p><hr size=1><font
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