[kj] Ebay Camden tickets

Shadforth, Jane E SUKOP-UOIT/52 gathering@misera.net
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:08:11 +0100

Alternatively, the market should not let the prices get that high. It's =
the same principal as dealing with touts outside shows. You say NO, and =
walk away, and invariably they'll chase after you offering a lower =
price. Or wait 'til the show starts, (if you can bear to miss the first =
song), and watch the prices tumble...

I've never bid on ebay, but I understand the trick is to wait until the =
last minute, then if you still want to buy, you're unlikely to get =
outbid. What forces prices up is lots of early bids.


-----Original Message-----
From: PRAEst76 [mailto:praest76___@dsl.pipex.com]
Sent: 25 July 2003 13:58
To: Shadforth, Jane E SUKOP-UOIT/52
Subject: Re: [kj] Ebay Camden tickets

Shadforth, Jane E SUKOP-UOIT/52 sed...

> It depends whether you want to encourage others to auction their
> tickets, rather than sell for face value to a friend, or through the
> list.

If I had spares I'd probably end up giving them to friends gratis just
to get more people to go with me. But lets face it, for some people
they are just more means to make profit.

And for some people money is no object. Personally I can barely afford
to go see Killing Joke as it is. No matter how much I wanted to see
them I couldn't afford overpriced touted tickets, but if people can
then they should buy them. Means rich people will be less rich and I
will feel better about being skint.

np: Pig - Save Me

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