[kj] From the Ends of the Earth

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 12:11:15 -0400

...well, the end of Long Island, more like.

Ahoy from the fringes of civilization. Alex here, stranded out here once again on Long Island. The wife and I de-camped out here for a week of sunny relaxation, but it's been rainy and shitty every damn day, so it's all been a bit of a botch. Anyway, since we were going out of our minds with boredom yesterday, we drove to Riverhead (something akin to Cambodia, really) to visit the mammoth TANGER MALL, which is practically a city of outlet stores. While the wife was busy shopping for needless crap, I popped into "Music 4 Less" as a lark. I looked at the "upcoming releases" board, and lo and behold there is was under "August 5", KILLING JOKE. That made me smile. 

Anyway, I'm here in Quogue's somewhat over-air-conditioned Public Library, using their computer, and attempting to wade through the hundreds (!!!!!) of Gathering messages. Aye yai yai. Anyway, I'll be back in NYC on Sunday night, god willing. Please hold off on breaking KJ news until then.

Any talk of any US tour dates as yet?

Alex in Quogue, L.I.