[kj] Geordie interview in guitar mag

gathering@misera.net gathering@misera.net
Mon, 29 Dec 2003 14:40:25 EST

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I'm still hunting that mag here in the States - no luck yet.  I did find the 
other one (transcribed at irrationaldomain) and its well worth having for the 
photos and additional piece done on the ES-295 itself where again the authors 
have the good sense to namecheck Geordie as one of the primary exponents of 
its use.  I am aghast that all the main American guitar mags have been totally 
asleep at the switch for the new KJ cd and tour.  

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I'm still hunting that mag here in=20=
the States - no luck yet.&nbsp; I did find the other one (transcribed at irr=
ationaldomain) and its well worth having for the photos and additional piece=
 done on the ES-295 itself where again the authors have the good sense to na=
mecheck Geordie as one of the primary exponents of its use.&nbsp; I am aghas=
t that all the main American guitar mags have been totally asleep at the swi=
tch for the new KJ cd and tour.&nbsp; </FONT></HTML>
