[kj] NO MORE OT EVER - filter?

death wish gathering@misera.net
Sun, 21 Dec 2003 16:29:13 +0000

A question - can this list be set up with an OT filter. People on this list 
seem to be good enough to inlcude (OT) in their subject lines when 
discussing off-topic stuff, so people like me can just massdelete the 
messages from my inbox, but perhaps an option to automatically opt out of 
receiving any "OT" stuff would make everyone a lot happier.


>From: "Cliff and Kara Livingston" <antifrz@alaska.net>
>Reply-To: gathering@misera.net
>To: <gathering@misera.net>
>Subject: [kj] NO MORE OT EVER
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 02:39:14 -0900
>NO MORE OFF TOPIC E-MAILS EVER...i want to instigate no more OT e-mail,sick 
>of this crap...
>Killing Joke is a great band,and i want to be a part of this group,but i 
>don't want any more goiddamn OT e-ails. ENUF ALREADY.
>the next person who sends OT is getting my wrath.....and anyone else who 
>sends OT is getting 100 plus OT personal mail from me ...i have 1,900 
>gathering e-mails unread and i've had enuf bullshit...please send info on 
>Killing Joke...but give us a rest from the crap...if you have to talk 
>shit,please write on amessage board or go to the chatroom,ya wankers. UN OT 

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