Leigh Newton gathering@misera.net
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 13:59:12 -0800 (PST)

> 1) Your Name: Leigh Newton
> 2) Your Age: 27
> 3) Are you married and have you any children?
Engaged to be married in March/04
> 4) I live here: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> 5) I've been a member of the Gathering since: ummmm,
like 2000, 2001 maybe? not sure
> 6) What do you want for X-mas? maybe a kickass
microphone and a stand or maybe a gamecube, we'll see.
> 7) Your biggest extravagance of the year? all the
time i took off of work, legitimately and otherwise
(some ficticious weddings and sicknesses and dental
appointments came into play) to go on tour.
> 8) Your biggest hopes for 2004? for my wedding to go
off without a hitch (wishful thinking), and just to up
the ante on recording and playing music.
> 9) What was the last album you bought,why, and how
> is it? it was The No Music by Themselves. I bought
it because a friend played it for me and i really
liked it. It's fucking great-really cool, underground,
experimental hip hop from the midwest USA!
> 10) Not including the new Killing Joke album, what
> were your top five
> favorite releases of the year? in no order, they
were: 1) Grand Buffet-Pittsburgh Hearts  2) cEVIN
KEY-The Dragon Experience  3) The Locust-Plague
Soundscapes  4) Kid 606 - Kill Sound Before Sound
Kills You  5) Melvins - 26 Songs 
> 11) What live bands have you seen recently. Did they
> rate? i didn't get out to that many shows this year,
but the ones i did see were pretty awesome. Isis and
Rye Coalition was a blast. Enon were really, really
cool, as always. Dillinger Escape Plan fucked shit up
and did a sweet cover of Wish by NIN to boot, Grand
Buffet kicked all ass-especially for 2 guys rapping
along with a CDR.
> 12) Worst music you heard all year: God, where do i
begin? i don't really want to give preferential
treatment to any one band cuz it was just SUCH a year
of bullshit.
> 13) If I find out that the person I'm talking to is
> a big fan of Tool (hardcore Tool fans are some of
the stupidest people to walk the earth), I
> lose all interest in talking to them (note: your
> answer need not be
> restricted to music)
> 14) Band(s) most in need of
> reforming/touring/releasing new material: i'd say
the collective members of Mr. Bungle need to get their
shit together and put out something new. Particularily
Mike Patton who, with the exception of the Dillinger
Escape Plan EP he did, hasn't done one worthwhile
thing since the release of the LAST Mr. Bungle album.
> 15) Band(s) most in need of hanging it up and
> calling it a day: That abortion that Metallica put
out this year really speaks volumes. How the mighty
have fallen (but they've been falling since Justice,
so why should it be any suprise?)
> 16) Albums most in need of re-mastering and
> re-release deluxe stylee: I still maintain that
Revelations could use a kick in the ass. It's some of
the best music in the world somewhat marred by weak
production. Some people love it that way, that's cool.

i also think that something needs to be done with Syd
Barrett-era Pink Floyd, and on a really grand scale
too. A boxset of some sorts. Empty the vaults, blow
your wad. 
> 17) Most overrated music of the year: The Mars
Volta, The White Stripes, The (insert band name here)
> 18) Most underrated music of the year: obviously the
new Killing Joke. Also Melt Banana, Boom Bip, Edan. I
don't know. 
> 19) Next to Killing Joke, my top five favorite
> bands/artists are: Skinny Puppy, Melvins, Aphex
Twin, Mr. Bungle, Grand Buffet
> 20) Express your views on Killing Joke's presence on
> the Internet  Their "official" site is pathetic (big
suprise), all the fan sites are incredible. Basically,
it gives a chance for the hardcore fans to give
something back and help spread the word. I think it's
helped them a lot, as well as helped us get at some
stuff we wouldn't be privy to under any other
> 22) Regarding the Joke, despite all the
> rumormongering, I'd really like the
> following to happen: Another album would be great,
as well as another tour. Some more rarities releases
would kick ass. I don't expect much more than that and
probably less.
> 23) Did you get to see Killing Joke on this tour? If
> so, briefly explain
> your reaction 

No, the closest they came was about 5 hours from here
and i just couldn't work it, which is really lame of
me and pisses me off. 
> 24) What would you have rather seen on the album
> cover, other than the red
> Krusty Clown? Just the classic touch of Mike Coles.
Can't go wrong. The cover they went with is such a
fucking piece of "product", i wouldn't blame anyone
for passing it up.
> 25) Favorite track on the new album: Blood On Your
Hands, Seeing Red, Total Invasion
> 26) Least favorite track on the new album: The Death
and Resurrection Show, Dark Forces
> 27) Were it up to you to have chosen the first
> single, it would have been: Seeing Red
> 28) Have you managed to see "the Year of the Devil"
> as yet? Your thoughts? didn't see it.
> 29) Outside of Andy Gill, who would you like to see
> produce the next Killing
> Joke record? 

maybe Billy Anderson? make it a really sludgey affair.
> 30) Killing Joke track that best sums up the world
> today: Unspeakable, maybe? partly because of the
lyrics, but more because of the feeling and sound of
the song.
> 31) Have you bought anything from Malicious Damage
> yet? If not, WHAT THE
> FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? i haven't cuz i generally
don't wear band t-shirts, although i do think they're
> 32) Goods you'd like to see made available on Mike
> Coles estimable site? CDs and videos.
> 33) Following the 2004 Elections, I'd like to see
> this man in the White
> House: King Buzzo
> 34) Do you feel 'safer' now that Saddam Hussein has
> been apprehended? not any more or less safe. It's
not like killing Darth Vader and the whole dark side
crumbles and the ewoks dance and sing. 10 more will
take his place. 
> 35) Now that he's in custody, I would handle Saddam
> this way: i don't know, just throw him in some
jailcell in nowheresville, Ohio. Let the dogs have at
> 36) Where is Osama Bin Laden: Near the bottom of the
left page, just to the right of Waldo.
> 37) Have we seen the last of terrorism courtesy of
> Islamists on the
> homefront (US/UK/EUR)? Of course.
> 38) Do you feel prepared for another such instance?
i got a bunker and 100 cans of Chef Boy R Dee. 
> 39) Do you think Iraq had anything to do with the
> events of September 11,
> 2001? maybe something, but maybe nothing.
> 40) Where were you/what were you doing on that day?
i came to work, one of the departments was striking
and wouldn't let anyone upstairs (dicks) so i was in
the foodcourt where there happen to be 2 TVs set up
and i watched everything happen on CNN. I went home
shortly after and watched the news all day in
> 41) Were you the next American president, your first
> act in office would be: turn both keys.
> 42) Tony Blair is a: British person.
> 43) They want replace Franklin Delano Roosevelt's
> face on the American Dime
> with the face of Ronald Reagan. What is your
> reaction: i wouldn't give a shit if Mr T. was on the
dime (actually, that would kick ass, come to think of
> 44) George W. Bush is an idiot: True or False.
> Explain your feeling why you
> feel this way. Support your argument: no thanks.
> 45) Under which American administration was the
> world/your own situation
> better off: Bush's or Clinton's? Clinton's, I GUESS,
but it's neither here nor there, really. 
> ::::END::::


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